Stunning Lamborghini Countach V8 replica. If you are in the market for
one of the best Countach replicas ever built, look no further. This car will
take your breath away in every aspect. It is spectacularly put together machine
and trust me it does not get much better than this. If you need to fly over to
see the car and the car does not meet your expectations in any way I will gladly
compensate you for all your traveling expenses. But I know that will not happen.
It is a tubular space frame, with Chevy v8 mated to a Porsche transmission, coil
over suspension, A/C etc etc. too much to list, car is top notch in and out. It
drives like a factory car and I mean it.
"thank you for the ad the Countach is sold, we had a great
amount of interest."
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1999 - Present Fred Nelson Fabrication
Azusa, California. All
rights reserved.